The full moon of the 28th September is the Harvest Moon. With a slight chill in the air, this is the full moon that represents the end of the harvesting and preparation for the darker and colder months to come. It’s the time of year when we begin to retreat inside our homes so it’s a good idea to start preparing your environment for the colder times ahead.
This full moon is about clearing out clutter, both physical and emotional so it’s a good idea to start to prepare your body and mind for the energetic boost that this upcoming full moon can give you.
On the night of the full moon, use this simple full moon ritual to make the most of the harvest moon’s energy. It is best to conduct your ritual in the open air but if this is not possible, clear a quiet space inside where you can focus on your ritual. You will need a candle, a piece of paper and a pen.
1) Spend some time preparing your space. If you use an altar, the following crystals are a useful addition for the harvest moon: Nuummite, Orange Calcite and Citrine. If you do not use an altar, you may find it beneficial to hold crystals in your hands or close to the body during the ritual. Full descriptions of these crystals and their energetic properties can be found by clicking on the product links above.
2) Light the candle, maybe play some soft music and spend some time focusing on the breath. This will calm your mind and body, allowing you to make the most of your ritual.
3) When you are feeling calm and relaxed, take the pen and paper. Think of the things in your life that you would like to let go of. What things are holding you back emotionally and energetically?
4) On the paper, write ‘I let go of..’ followed by the things that you are thinking of. As you do this, visualise in your mind’s eye how it feels to have finally released the things that have been holding you back. Allow the moons energy to support you in the releasing of these emotional attachments.
5) When you have finished writing, fold the paper and burn it slowly with the light of the candle (exercise caution if within the home, ensure you have a plate to put the paper when lit).
6) As the paper turns to ashes, continue to visualise letting go. When the paper has finished burning, scatter the remains in the cool September air. These ashes symbolise the releasing of those things that have been holding you back. You should now feel lighter and more centred.
7) Give thanks to the moon and spend a few moments in gratitude for all the wonderful things in your life now, and the things to come.