Cherry Cake Garnet

Cherry Cake Garnet

The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Cherry Cake Garnet

Cherry Cake Garnet is ref garnet in a natural matrix of dark biotite mica and quartz. The look of the crystal is that of a piece of cherry or blueberry cake from which it gets its name. This crystal as well as used in money spells and for creating luck is used for bringing couples together harmoniously in love and devotion. Many couples loose their sparkle as the years go by but Cherry Cake Garnet is a crystal that if both city a piece with them triggers the memories of falling in love. It doesn’t make them fall in Love all over again exactly but reminds them of what they were attracted to in each other and the feelings that lead to love. This crystal stimulates or triggers some of our better qualities, love, devotion, faith, courage and loyalty. A great crystal for those deciding if their relationship is worth fighting for. If there is enough emotion left to rekindle the flames of attraction and passion. It brings clarity of vision in seeing things exactly as they really are and having the courage to make changes no matter how hard or difficult they may be.

Cherry Cake Garnet is a great healing crystal for regeneration of the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It helps to clear negative, destructive and dysfunctional thought consuming behavioural  patterns that can destroy us and ruin our beautiful precious lives.

Can also be used to mend family relationship.


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Cherry Cake Garnet

The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Cherry Cake Garnet

Cherry Cake Garnet is ref garnet in a natural matrix of dark biotite mica and quartz. The look of the crystal is that of a piece of cherry or blueberry cake from which it gets its name. This crystal as well as used in money spells and for creating luck is used for bringing couples together harmoniously in love and devotion. Many couples loose their sparkle as the years go by but Cherry Cake Garnet is a crystal that if both city a piece with them triggers the memories of falling in love. It doesn’t make them fall in Love all over again exactly but reminds them of what they were attracted to in each other and the feelings that lead to love. This crystal stimulates or triggers some of our better qualities, love, devotion, faith, courage and loyalty. A great crystal for those deciding if their relationship is worth fighting for. If there is enough emotion left to rekindle the flames of attraction and passion. It brings clarity of vision in seeing things exactly as they really are and having the courage to make changes no matter how hard or difficult they may be.

Cherry Cake Garnet is a great healing crystal for regeneration of the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. It helps to clear negative, destructive and dysfunctional thought consuming behavioural  patterns that can destroy us and ruin our beautiful precious lives.

Can also be used to mend family relationship.


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