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Amethyst, Herkimer, Morganite and Hematite Necklace 12.8 grams approximately
Measures approximately 16 inches with an additional 2 inch extender chain.
Each bead measures approximately 4mm
Set in Sterling silver 925
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst
Amethyst, The purple quartz is considered to exude ‘female’ properties. Admired for its beauty, this semi-precious stone is known for its spirituality and used extensively for healing and meditation. Amethyst naturally relieves anxiety and stress. It balances the emotions, calms the temper and brings a sense of inner peace. Amethyst helps with mood swings and hormonal imbalances. Sleeping with Amethyst can promote intuitive dreams and astral travel; you will need, however, a pure intention to bring any of that knowledge back.
Amethyst can strengthen the immune system and energise both the pituitary and pineal glands. This powerful crystal facilitates the transmutation of lower energies into the higher frequencies of both the spiritual and ethereal levels.
Amethyst, worn as jewellery, emits a gentle, emotionally calming energy. Often Amethyst and Rose Quartz together are given to loved ones for Love, healing, and to cool and calm anger and frustrations. Amethyst accentuates everything positive, including the emotions of love, joy, peace and inner happiness. The darker the Amethyst, the more profound and more mysterious the love!
Amethyst is used to activate or enhance the abilities of the third eye, used as a crystal for all psychic work, for astral travel and for communicating with spirit guides and angels.
Amethyst is used as a healing crystal in healings, grids, water and for dowsing.
Use Amethyst crystals and basil on your altar to invoke the New Dragon Energies that have entered our galaxy. Dragons’ are Divine Guardians of Mother Earth and are here to aid humanity, harnessing pure light to regenerate and restore the life force of creation. Balancing male and female energies and restoring fertility to nature. Working with Dragon Energy will aid your path to self-empowerment, taking responsibility for the self and bring abundance and inner strength and peace.
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Herkimer Diamond
These amazing crystals with incredible diamond like clarity have been sort after for thousands of years. The true Herkimer Diamonds come from only one location in Herkimer County, New York. The Mohawk Indians treasured them and used them for shamanic work. They also made a valuable asset when trading. The Mohawk Indians found the Herkimer Diamonds in the sediment of rivers and from cultivating their fields.
A Herkimer Diamond is the ‘ultimate’ in attunement stones when it comes to clarity in the perception of one’s relationship with another person, place or activity. The supreme clarity of these crystals comes from the different ratio of carbon to silicon compound that is normally found in rock crystal, and, the fracture of light as it reflects through the double terminations. Herkimer Diamonds are frequently given as a keepsake to someone travelling or moving away-to keep them attuned to those left behind. Herkimer Diamonds are widely believed to have a accessible ‘memory’ that has stored information for later retrieval. The theory being, when the energy vibration match is right, the crystal releases the information.
It is common for healers to use Herkimer Diamonds to begin the first consultation with a new client. Herkimer Diamonds enable the healer and client to communicate clearer and attune their vibrations. They stimulate clairvoyance, prescience and telepathic abilities. If two Herkimer Diamonds are held together, between two people, and one kept by each of them, the crystals will retain their attunement no matter how far or for how long they are separated. This firm link between them is comforting during separation and also gives them a telepathic bond. Thoughts and feelings can be sent, in real time, between them with the Herkimer Diamonds amplifying the communication.
Herkimer Diamonds like action and to be worked with. They appreciate a good task and shine brighter the more you require of them. Set them a challenge, perhaps to find a solution to something or to find a safe direction to take. The right path for your highest good is a good question.
There are Herkimer Diamonds on the market from other locations that will look the same and have similar qualities. In more recent times they have become available from Mexico and can be considerably cheaper.
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Morganite
Morganite brings peace within. It encourages confidence and self-acceptance. It’s Particularly good at handling rebel hormone imbalances, like those we encounter in puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
You can turn a pessimistic, defeatist attitude around whilst wearing Morganite. It imbues happiness. It permeates the very fibres of your being with a happy vibe – cleaning and cleaning all the emotional rubbish that has collected in your body, mind and aura.
Morganite transmits Divine energy from the higher self, our spirit body, into our physical body. Think of it as a download. All you need to do is hold your Morganite in your cupped hand. Breathe on your Morganite, squeeze your Morganite gently and feel Divine love flow. However, don’t be fooled by Morganite. Yes, it’s sending gentle healing, yes, it’s holding space for you to heal, and yes, it’s shining light into those darker areas within you that have experienced hurt or loss. It does all that and much more. It packs SOME punch. Morganite is strong and feisty. It delivers. It transmutes energy and creates change. It helps one to actualise their potential and achieve their highest good.
Morganite used with Peridot and Herkimer Diamonds can bring healing to those who have experienced great trauma. Broken hearts physically, mentally and emotionally hurt. They can cause tremendous shock to all the chakra centres of the body simultaneously. This kind of trauma requires profound healing and fast. Crystals amplify the healing from the healer. Morganite, Peridot and Herkimer Diamonds are used together in a grid for holding space. They allow the healing intention time to effect change.
Morganite is from the family of Beryls. You might be more aware of its celebrity siblings Emerald or Aquamarine. Usually, these take the larger slice of attention. Heliodor and Golden Beryl are also from the same family.
It was world-renowned gemologist Dr George Fredrick Kunz, Tiffany & Co’s chief geologist, who played a significant role in discovering Morganite in 1910. For many years Morganite was known simply as ‘PINK BERYL’ until Dr Kunz re-named it Morganite to honour his friend and personal benefactor, John Morgan. John Morgan was an extraordinary gemstone collector in his own right.
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Hematite
Hematite takes its name from the Greek word for ‘blood’, which is descriptive of the colour seen in powdered Hematite. It is a dense heavy stone with a metallic grey finish when polished. It is found in Cumberland, England, and also Brazil, China, New Zealand, Minnesota plus a few other locations around the globe.
Hematite is great for motivation. But before we can concentrate on anything remotely motivational we must be grounded. Pulling the aura in and grounding our thoughts is the prerequisite to any magical workings and not so long ago this would have been the language used to describe this thinking pattern.
Used for concentration, hematite makes a great worry stone. Three of four smooth pieces tumbled through your fingers really does have the effect of grounding and cantering one’s energy field.
This is a stone that most healers will not do without. It works extremely well at restoring, strengthening and regulating the blood flow. Hands, crippled from bad circulation, seem to respond to holding a piece of Hematite. In fact there are many who take a piece to bed with them to hold while they drift off to sleep. Sufferers of cramp and spasms notice an immediate improvement in their health just by having it touch their skin.
Hematite grounds negative energies that manifest as stress and calms the nerves. It releases us from compulsive habits like drinking, over-eating and smoking – and from nervous obsessive behaviour.
Hematite is particularly useful for students during exams; for pre-wedding nerves; moving house or dealing with any legal paper-pushing organisation! This is a strong stone which some are not comfortable with. Perhaps it is under the shiny surface lurks the opposite side of their personality. We often do not like our other side or ‘alter-ego’ and this stone has a unique way of bringing it out and making us deal with our strengths as well as our weaknesses. Most of all it teaches one to love oneself.
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Amethyst, Herkimer, Morganite and Hematite Necklace 12.8 grams approximately
Measures approximately 16 inches with an additional 2 inch extender chain.
Each bead measures approximately 4mm
Set in Sterling silver 925
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst
Amethyst, The purple quartz is considered to exude ‘female’ properties. Admired for its beauty, this semi-precious stone is known for its spirituality and used extensively for healing and meditation. Amethyst naturally relieves anxiety and stress. It balances the emotions, calms the temper and brings a sense of inner peace. Amethyst helps with mood swings and hormonal imbalances. Sleeping with Amethyst can promote intuitive dreams and astral travel; you will need, however, a pure intention to bring any of that knowledge back.
Amethyst can strengthen the immune system and energise both the pituitary and pineal glands. This powerful crystal facilitates the transmutation of lower energies into the higher frequencies of both the spiritual and ethereal levels.
Amethyst, worn as jewellery, emits a gentle, emotionally calming energy. Often Amethyst and Rose Quartz together are given to loved ones for Love, healing, and to cool and calm anger and frustrations. Amethyst accentuates everything positive, including the emotions of love, joy, peace and inner happiness. The darker the Amethyst, the more profound and more mysterious the love!
Amethyst is used to activate or enhance the abilities of the third eye, used as a crystal for all psychic work, for astral travel and for communicating with spirit guides and angels.
Amethyst is used as a healing crystal in healings, grids, water and for dowsing.
Use Amethyst crystals and basil on your altar to invoke the New Dragon Energies that have entered our galaxy. Dragons’ are Divine Guardians of Mother Earth and are here to aid humanity, harnessing pure light to regenerate and restore the life force of creation. Balancing male and female energies and restoring fertility to nature. Working with Dragon Energy will aid your path to self-empowerment, taking responsibility for the self and bring abundance and inner strength and peace.
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Herkimer Diamond
These amazing crystals with incredible diamond like clarity have been sort after for thousands of years. The true Herkimer Diamonds come from only one location in Herkimer County, New York. The Mohawk Indians treasured them and used them for shamanic work. They also made a valuable asset when trading. The Mohawk Indians found the Herkimer Diamonds in the sediment of rivers and from cultivating their fields.
A Herkimer Diamond is the ‘ultimate’ in attunement stones when it comes to clarity in the perception of one’s relationship with another person, place or activity. The supreme clarity of these crystals comes from the different ratio of carbon to silicon compound that is normally found in rock crystal, and, the fracture of light as it reflects through the double terminations. Herkimer Diamonds are frequently given as a keepsake to someone travelling or moving away-to keep them attuned to those left behind. Herkimer Diamonds are widely believed to have a accessible ‘memory’ that has stored information for later retrieval. The theory being, when the energy vibration match is right, the crystal releases the information.
It is common for healers to use Herkimer Diamonds to begin the first consultation with a new client. Herkimer Diamonds enable the healer and client to communicate clearer and attune their vibrations. They stimulate clairvoyance, prescience and telepathic abilities. If two Herkimer Diamonds are held together, between two people, and one kept by each of them, the crystals will retain their attunement no matter how far or for how long they are separated. This firm link between them is comforting during separation and also gives them a telepathic bond. Thoughts and feelings can be sent, in real time, between them with the Herkimer Diamonds amplifying the communication.
Herkimer Diamonds like action and to be worked with. They appreciate a good task and shine brighter the more you require of them. Set them a challenge, perhaps to find a solution to something or to find a safe direction to take. The right path for your highest good is a good question.
There are Herkimer Diamonds on the market from other locations that will look the same and have similar qualities. In more recent times they have become available from Mexico and can be considerably cheaper.
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Morganite
Morganite brings peace within. It encourages confidence and self-acceptance. It’s Particularly good at handling rebel hormone imbalances, like those we encounter in puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
You can turn a pessimistic, defeatist attitude around whilst wearing Morganite. It imbues happiness. It permeates the very fibres of your being with a happy vibe – cleaning and cleaning all the emotional rubbish that has collected in your body, mind and aura.
Morganite transmits Divine energy from the higher self, our spirit body, into our physical body. Think of it as a download. All you need to do is hold your Morganite in your cupped hand. Breathe on your Morganite, squeeze your Morganite gently and feel Divine love flow. However, don’t be fooled by Morganite. Yes, it’s sending gentle healing, yes, it’s holding space for you to heal, and yes, it’s shining light into those darker areas within you that have experienced hurt or loss. It does all that and much more. It packs SOME punch. Morganite is strong and feisty. It delivers. It transmutes energy and creates change. It helps one to actualise their potential and achieve their highest good.
Morganite used with Peridot and Herkimer Diamonds can bring healing to those who have experienced great trauma. Broken hearts physically, mentally and emotionally hurt. They can cause tremendous shock to all the chakra centres of the body simultaneously. This kind of trauma requires profound healing and fast. Crystals amplify the healing from the healer. Morganite, Peridot and Herkimer Diamonds are used together in a grid for holding space. They allow the healing intention time to effect change.
Morganite is from the family of Beryls. You might be more aware of its celebrity siblings Emerald or Aquamarine. Usually, these take the larger slice of attention. Heliodor and Golden Beryl are also from the same family.
It was world-renowned gemologist Dr George Fredrick Kunz, Tiffany & Co’s chief geologist, who played a significant role in discovering Morganite in 1910. For many years Morganite was known simply as ‘PINK BERYL’ until Dr Kunz re-named it Morganite to honour his friend and personal benefactor, John Morgan. John Morgan was an extraordinary gemstone collector in his own right.
The Healing and Metaphysical Properties of Hematite
Hematite takes its name from the Greek word for ‘blood’, which is descriptive of the colour seen in powdered Hematite. It is a dense heavy stone with a metallic grey finish when polished. It is found in Cumberland, England, and also Brazil, China, New Zealand, Minnesota plus a few other locations around the globe.
Hematite is great for motivation. But before we can concentrate on anything remotely motivational we must be grounded. Pulling the aura in and grounding our thoughts is the prerequisite to any magical workings and not so long ago this would have been the language used to describe this thinking pattern.
Used for concentration, hematite makes a great worry stone. Three of four smooth pieces tumbled through your fingers really does have the effect of grounding and cantering one’s energy field.
This is a stone that most healers will not do without. It works extremely well at restoring, strengthening and regulating the blood flow. Hands, crippled from bad circulation, seem to respond to holding a piece of Hematite. In fact there are many who take a piece to bed with them to hold while they drift off to sleep. Sufferers of cramp and spasms notice an immediate improvement in their health just by having it touch their skin.
Hematite grounds negative energies that manifest as stress and calms the nerves. It releases us from compulsive habits like drinking, over-eating and smoking – and from nervous obsessive behaviour.
Hematite is particularly useful for students during exams; for pre-wedding nerves; moving house or dealing with any legal paper-pushing organisation! This is a strong stone which some are not comfortable with. Perhaps it is under the shiny surface lurks the opposite side of their personality. We often do not like our other side or ‘alter-ego’ and this stone has a unique way of bringing it out and making us deal with our strengths as well as our weaknesses. Most of all it teaches one to love oneself.
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