Interpreting The Runes – Part 1

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Interpreting The Runes – Part 1

So far, you will have learnt all about the history of the runes, how to read them and using runic boards. Now we turn our attentions to actually interpreting the runes themselves.

Here are the first 12 runes and their interpretations:


Feoh: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you an increase in wealth through your own efforts. It could indicate extra responsibilities or help which will be valued. It will move obstacles and bring them to a conclusion. It warns you to establish what is good in your life and what you feel are the really important aspects of it and then work towards them not allowing yourself to be side tracked. Once you have decide a course it will proceed to a successful conclusion.

Feoh: Reversed meaning.

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means confusion, delay of plans and failure. Not a time to make any big decisions. You may lose something you have worked hard for and there maybe a lesson to be learnt from this. Have you been paying attention to detail or have you been shirking your duties.

Uruz: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you strength to deal with confrontations and courage to stand up against a challenge which could be sudden and dramatic. This is received as an omen of change which needs adapting to in order to allow you to grow.  As something is lost and allowed to be let go freely, then space is relinquished in order to embrace a new challenge.

Uruz: Reversed meaning

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means to bring to your attention that opportunities have been missed. Disappointments or minor failures due to lack of courage or resisting change.

Thorn: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you  protection and luck. It indicates a time not to make decisions until you have examined your motives, for you are at a door way and you need to examine that which is hidden before you move. This could indicate protection from yourself, from harming your own circumstances by being foolhardy. It could also indicate the intentions of an attack. Watch your back.

Thorn: Reversed meaning

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means  your development is progressing faster at the moment then you are prepared for. Speed up quickly not to lose this opportunity to grow. The throwing of a temper tantrum, unbelievable arrogance and  bad judgement are in the air so be warned.

As: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you the energies of a teacher or mentor. It prepares you to expect the unexpected, a signal to concentrate on what is best for you. It is the quest for truth and knowledge that drives us to communicate on all levels, and it is that same drive that make us individual. This is the Rune that sets you apart from others. All matters of public speaking, examinations, interviews, elections and ritual requests are favoured.    

As: Reversed meaning

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means you may be in possession of some very bad advice, think carefully before you listen to others. Be attentive to the way you word letters and conversations as someone may be waiting to twist your words.

Radh: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you telephone messages, letters, unexpected travel and positive cycles in your daily life. Check that your passport and travel insurance are in order to be in a position to move fast. A symbol of fertility, good luck charms and returning to positive health after a time of illness or being out of balance.

Radh: Reversed meaning

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means delays in travel arrangements, set backs in relationships and trickery and deceit in business. Feeling out of balance and dropping the ball will both be attributed to your failings so be attentive.

Ken: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you clarity and light. It represents an opening that can allow illumination to shine in. The darkness that shrouds you will now be cleared away and no shadows will exist because the light shines directly from above. Energy, strength, power and new light on an old subject are all attributes of this symbol.  A sign of new beginnings.

Ken Reversed meaning

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means that a time has arrived when you will need to give up something or someone that has now become a negative in your life. It is a time to examine your world through introspection.

Gyfu: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you harmony and balance. It is a sign of a gift, maybe new love or a birth. Drawing this Rune indicates that a partnership is in hand, emotional, spiritual or a business. Union, hospitality,  generosity and freedom are all aspects of this mystical symbol. 

Gyfu: Reversed meaning

 There is no reverse meaning to this Rune.

Wynn: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you a chance to kick back and live a little. Enjoy your pleasures and achievements that you have been working hard towards. Creative projects will do well and be received with interest. Promotion is on the cards  as is all forms of advancement.

Wynn: Reversed meaning

 If this Rune should fall reversed it means this would not be a good time to share ideas or business plans. Take caution on your side as things are not very lucky for you right now. Tread water for a while and let the energies subside.

Hagel: Magical Sacred Meaning

This Rune brings to you a shower of chaos, things are spinning out of control and you can only try not to resist. There is nothing to be done except allow things to settle back down as and when the time is right. In the meantime do not make plans or take chances. Let nature take it’s course and go with the flow for you will only waste energy resisting. Expect disruption for the lesson behind this Rune is, Stop conforming!

Hagel: Reversed meaning

There is no reverse meaning to this Rune.

Nyd: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to your attention that now is a time of need and wanting. You may have to apply patience and constraint for a while in order to work on the issues  that bring this to your attention. There will be reasons for these situations to have arisen so look at yourself and see if you could have avoided them. Once you have become aware of this, half the battle is over. Now all you need to do is work on the negative aspect that was the cause. We all have our own personal power but we are always in control of it. Remember equal and opposite reactions and practise a little more self control.    

Nyd: Reversed meaning

There is no reverse meaning to this Rune.

Is: Magical sacred meaning.

This Rune brings to you a total freeze up of movements. A time for cooling down and rethinking before executing new plans. This is a time to wait and do nothing for after the big freeze comes the big thaw and spring will come soon enough. You are just not meant to be disclosing information right now, hold matters in hand until the timing is in your favour. Trust that even if you don’t know what your doing someone in higher authority does and thank goodness they are on your side.

Is: Reversed meaning

 There is no reverse meaning for this Rune.

Jara: Magical sacred meaning

This Rune brings to you the fruits of your hard work, for as you sow likewise you shall reap. A time of collecting that which is yours. It indicates that plans put into action will succeed. Justice in all legal matters and a time of beneficial outcomes.

Jara: Reversed meaning

 There is no reverse meaning to this Rune.

Click here for Interpreting The Runes – Part 2

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