Healing with Malachite
Being Bold, Beautiful and Brave.
First, take some time to make yourself comfortable. Sitting or lying down, gently align your spine and relax your shoulders. Open your chest and relax your arms by your side. It is colder now, and you may wish to cover yourself in a warm blanket and remember to tune out to external noise and distractions. This is your sacred time for healing. You may wish to have your journal with you to take notes at the end of the practice. At each stage, you can take as long as you need to feel the energy you create and visualise the colours, sounds and images. It is a safe and healing place you are making so you can fully relax and enjoy the process.
Ok, here we go… I invite you now to place your malachite on your heart chakra. You can hold it into position if you wish. As you do this, breathe in through your nose slowly and exhale through your mouth. Try this breathing technique inhaling for a count of three, pausing and exhaling for a count of three. Repeat three times, and now scan your physical body for any discomfort. If your hip aches, for example, repeat your breathing technique, but as you breathe out, visualise an exhale through the hip. Controlled breathing can physically help move energy around the body, releasing tension and working on any part of the body.
Next, I would like to share this with you.
Maya Angelou once said
“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because, without courage, you can not practice any other virtue consistently.”
Courage is a gift within you; maybe you have experienced a failed business or relationship. You may be fearful of it happening again or worried you will not meet the social expectations. Courage asks you to try again. It takes strength to rise above our fears and face the struggles. Living courageously provides us opportunities to grow into our dreams and see exactly what we are capable of.
Now, I invite you to breathe in with the focus of the Malachite gemstone still resting on your heart chakra, see the colours in your mind’s eye, green swirling around your heart chakra and with every inhale, flood your body. Feel the healing taking place. Do not worry if you cannot visualise in your mind’s eye or if you become overwhelmed with images. You can return to the breathing technique above, inhaling for a count of three, pausing and exhaling for a count of three. The malachite gemstone will work with your energy if you allow it to, gently healing. Continue your breathing for as long as you feel you need the healing space, take long, slow breaths and find a moment to contemplate what courage means to you. Could it change your world? What dreams could you achieve?
We are going to finish now with a gentle but firm affirmation.
Inhale this time and say, I am bold and gentle, and exhale.
Inhale and say, I am beautiful and unique, and exhale,
Inhale and say, I am brave and full of dreams, and exhale.
When you are ready, slowly wiggle your fingers and wiggle your toes. Open your eyes and become familiar with the room around you. Remember to drink plenty of water and cleanse you crystal. You can repeat this healing as often as you need.
Have the courage to step into your power and be bold, be beautiful and brave.
Blessings, Marianna. xx