Crystals for Mabon

The festival of Mabon (Autumn Equinox) marks one of the annual turning points on the Wiccan or modern-day pagan Wheel Of The Year.


Mabon falls on the 21st- 29th of September each year.

Mabon is the second harvest festival that is celebrated. The first is Lughnasadh at the beginning of August, and the third is Samhain at the end of October, hailed by many as Halloween. Mabon is a time of perfect balance between the dark and the light. The hours of daylight and darkness are equal, and masculine and feminine energies equate. There is a natural truce amongst all things, without supremacy or dominance.

Mabon is a time of reflection. A time to go within and search for that which is sacred to us and sacred to our universe. This is when we turn to the direction of the west, where our thoughts turn to ceremony, to evaluation, to assess lessons learnt from our experiences and for introspection.

Mabon, as a time of year, is special because it is on the cusp of transition – there are just a few precious days left for us to grasp the lessons of our year and place those wisps of enlightenment on our altar. It’s time to consider the twists and turns of our past year. Our ups and downs. Things that we think of as successes and failures. To think about time wasted or time grabbed between both hands. We think of our friends, family and loved ones. Of birthdays, weddings, blessings and funerals. We think about words spoken and words left unsaid. Mabon is a time to select a stone or crystal for each insight or piece of wisdom that presented itself from our past year and place that on our altar to remind us and keep us strong as we venture into the waning and the dark of the year ahead.

For Balance and Strength


Place on our altar to help us through the darker months yet to come.




Fascinating to look at and energetically a little miracle. Meditating with vanadinite helps us remember what is important to us. It finds the sacred within and encourages us to act. It gives us strength to go after what we truly desire.

For Challenging Experiences




Placed on our altar Hematite is great for motivation. But before we can concentrate on anything remotely motivational we must be grounded.

Introspection can be extremely valuable…


Lapis Lazuli


Lapis changes the reality of the wearer by opening a higher awareness, lifting the vibration and thus connecting one to the fibres of source.

Mabon Blessing


Slowly the days shorten and the nights draw out
The Earth goes within and the birds fly south
Give thanks for the harvest and the gifts that she’s spun
It’s been a long summer and her work is done


It’s now time to reflect and count our blessings
As we welcome the Autumn and the colours she’s dressing
Changing our pace and the clothes we wear
As we walk on the earth that we gratefully share


This Mabon season may we all find peace
May the sun warm our backs, our tables hold feasts
May the fires in our hearths give warmth and burn bright
And good health be bestowed as we sleep well at night.


Bright Mabon Blessings to one and all.

Preparing an alter is a good way to set your intentions for your Mabon festivities.


These little rituals of placing crystals and stones on our altars or out in a prominent place where we will see them daily are so important as the nights grow longer and the days shorter. The beautiful giant standing trees lose their glorious leaves, and the sap returns to the roots. The winds chill as they bring cold from the north, and we retreat once more inside our dwellings around cosy fires with warm blankets. Yes, these little gestures of placing crystals and stones around us are tiny reminders of all we have learnt, achieved and manifested. They remind us to complete the projects we started, let go of the things that didn’t serve us and be grateful. They help us through the dark, keeping us focused and thankful.


Wishing you all a very Happy Mabon,


filled with Love and Big, Bright, Beautiful Blessings
